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In Photos: CBE's F24 Sustainability Day

By Director of Sustainability Erica Choe ‘25

This Fall, Harvard Undergraduate Consulting on Business and the Environment partnered with Tree Boston to organize Sustainability Day! CBE members visited Noyes Playground in Boston to help with park tree maintenance activities, such as mulching, weeding, and filling up water bags. 

CBE members ready to help maintain park trees!
CBE first plucked the weeds surrounding the trees and then placed mulch around each tree.
Then, CBE opened a fire hydrant to fill up a water tank!
CBE President Andrew Gong held the hose to fill up the water tank!
Finally, CBE members filled up the watering bags to ensure each tree had a reserve of water to drink from.

Sustainability Day is a cherished CBE tradition, and we look forward to seeing CBE members continue to contribute positively to the greater Boston community! Special thanks to Tree Boston and Tree Care Associate Lily for accepting our volunteering contribution. 

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